
Soft Flex Rosaries

Soft Flex Rosaries
If you've browsed my website at all, you might have stumbled upon a few rosaries, bracelets, and chaplets constructed with soft flex wire. You may be wondering, what exactly is this wire and what makes it so durable?  Continue reading

Rosary Bracelets

Rosary Bracelets

Have you seen Simple Rosaries' rosary bracelets? Are you wondering what exactly is a rosary bracelet and how are they made? This post is made to do exactly that. 

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The Emergency Novena Chaplet

The Emergency Novena Chaplet

When I was graduating from college in 2014, I had to take a teaching exam for graduate school. I took the test twice: on the first round, I failed by 40 points. For next time around, I decided to study a little harder and pray a little more. That doesn't hurt, right? On the way to the exam, I prayed an Emergency Novena.

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